I find myself always ‘doing’.

Like most people, I am running from one responsibility to the next. I am flying out the door in the morning for the onslaught of a very busy, noisy day as a teacher. I deal with staff and friends all day. After work, we sometimes have the joy of a staff meeting or three a week…. Only to swing past the shop for some last minute groceries, come home briefly to sit with a child doing homework, before cooking dinner, cleaning and heading out to meet someone for a visit who needs someone to listen to.

I come home, maybe sit with my family on the couch for an episode of mindless TV and catch my breath, before engaging in a well-timed quality conversation, (in the window I have made available to do this). Next it’s time to prepare lunches, get clothes ready for the next day, answering a barrage of emails and messages, all before crawling into shower and bed, hopefully before midnight, so I can get some rest before the next day plays a repeat of the previous day.

I realised something, I can easily lose the joy of the ordinary everyday moments in all my accomplishing and box ticking and responsibilities.

Sure I might ‘run away’ on a Saturday for a day of sunshine and exploring some beach or mountain… but is it really meant to be that the only time I stop and try to cherish a moment, is on a scheduled family outing?

Am I the only one who becomes weary from running as fast as I can and not enjoying the moments that matter the most?

I listened to a song called “A little longer”, by Jenn Johnson, and it so spoke to my heart.

A part she sings says;
“Then I hear You say,
“You don’t have to do a thing
Simply be with Me and let those things go
They can wait another minute
Wait, this moment is too sweet
Please stay here with me
And love on Me a little longer”

‘Cause I’m in love with You.’

And it resonated with me, as I want to linger in the moments of life, not just race by them.

Those little day to day moments in my day, that mean nothing to someone else… yet are such a treasure in my heart… holding my daughters hand, hugging my husband longer than needed just because we can, patting my puppy dogs, cleaning a cupboard out and feeling a sense of calm.

Little moments that mean nothing to someone else, but mean everything to me, and I am flying past them hardly acknowledging them anymore.

So I’ve decided its ok to walk instead of run through life.
It’s ok to take a moment to breath and just be.

“Who we are becoming is far more important than what we are trying to achieve.”

Yes, the race of life goes on around us, and I want to do my bit. Our lives matter and so do our contributions… but I just want to take the scenic route.

I want to get better at this.
I want to find the beauty in the ordinary everyday life…

To walk instead of run…

And… to… just….BE….

John 10:10, Jesus said I’ve come that you would have life and life to the fullest.

Psalm 23:2
He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love.
His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.
That’s where he restores and revives my life.
He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

That is my heart’s desire.

Dear God, help us to rest when we need to. Help us to see your presence in our ordinary day. Thank you that you have given us this great life to enjoy. Help us to remember to enjoy every moment.