We recently held our annual Movement Conference (or MVMT Conference for those young and groovy members of the next generation that don’t like vowels for some reason). It was a phenomenal time of gathering and soaking up God’s presence, as well as being equipped for our calling. The testimonies that were shared at the end were powerful, as conference delegates shared how God had spoken to them in a way that left them with a strong sense of the “What’s next” for their lives. 


It made me pause to reflect on how many times a word from the Lord helped me ride out certain seasons, breakthrough times of opposition, walk through valleys and orientate myself as I navigate the unknown. 

The power of a single word from God is beautifully demonstrated in Matthew 14 in the story of Peter walking on the water:


25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. (NIV) 


“Tell me to come,” Peter cried. And one word from Jesus was all he needed to step out into the unknown. “Come.” It’s often those simple words and whispers from the Holy Spirit that have strengthened my resolve in supernatural ways, enabling me to take that next step. They charge us with faith and courage, clarity and revelation. The words of Jesus have the power to transform situations, to bring healing and restoration, to repel the enemy’s attacks, to change atmospheres and to take us into places we would never dare take ourselves! 


The Roman Centurion understood this when he approached Jesus to heal his servant. Jesus asked if he wanted him to come to his home and heal the servant, but the Centurion responded with, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” (Matthew 8:5-13) Just say the word. The Centurion understood the authority that Jesus had – it was authority over both the natural and supernatural. One word, and the servant was healed. 


One word. That’s all it takes for Jesus to turn our circumstances around. One word, and we can hold on a little longer. One word, and we can find our brave. One word, and hope floods our soul. One word, and we can pioneer again. 


Conferences are perfect environments for hearing the voice of the Lord. I love the anticipation and excitement leading up to conference time because I know He will faithfully speak to me through either the worship or the Word, and give me a sovereign moment of clarity for what awaits me. It is also because I create space, by putting that time aside, that I can be well positioned to hear His voice. But we can’t always attend conferences to hear from Him. So it becomes important that I find ways to carve out everyday environments that facilitate God speaking and me listening! 


The clothesline has become a space of epic conversation between me and the Lord. Maybe it’s because no other member of my household feels terribly inclined to join me there; they will usually follow me into every other space, including the bathroom, but hanging laundry seems to make everyone suddenly have urgent business to attend to. Not complaining. It has become my ‘throneroom’ space where God’s presence feels rich and I can hear His voice and listen for that word. That beautiful, universe-moving word, that transforms my reality and compels me ever forward.


Need a word from God? I encourage you to find your everyday space to incline your ear and soak up His presence. He is always speaking.